GPR Lobby Zoetermeer
Originally uploaded by deVos.
"Personally I feel that Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are commercial representations of the one and only thing that made the Internet a unique paradigm-shift in the first place. Internet enabled true 1-to-many publication for the first time ever in history. No editors, no moguls, and in essence nobody could stand between the individual message you wanted to put across (be it text, music or movie) and the rest of the (connected) world. Which perhaps is a mentally small but socially HUGE step beyond Gutenbergs invention of the printing press, which only allowed CONTROLLED mass-reproduction. Control by means of editors, media moguls, et cetera.
All the rest are just (commercial) distractions or additions to this theme. Which makes personalization not something special but something crucial about this revolution. And which makes open-source not something revolutionary but inevitable and evolutionary. Flickr is cool, Creative Common open-source legal standards might be even cooler, but nothing beats the original Web 0.1 capability of truly unregulated one-to-many publication and it's implicit but radical endorsement of freedom of expression.
Bear this in mind and all of the Webs controversy and the ways it challenges the old ways of doing things fall into place."
Kees de Vos, September 2003.
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