Free speech has its obligations FOX!
Originally uploaded by deVos
I'm usually not into this, but if a certain American TV station that bears my name (Vos=Fox) starts bashing Amsterdam (not even my favorite city) with their facts all tangled up (which is not a first) they finally crossed a line that I hold sacred.
I am not a complete soft drugs liberal, I have however build my opinion on experience and facts at the source. FOX, and in my humble opinion not for the first time, tells a story unworthy of a news station.
And yes, perhaps all staticians are liars (, and yes, even I feel we have too many, so called, coffee shops in The Netherlands, but I still think that in the context of the shared value system of The Netherlands the policy to discriminate between hard and soft drugs works (at least for us).
At least dear Margaret aknowledges the fact that EVEN when we smoke grass we have the presence of mind to teach our children to have SAFE sex. How naive of us...
For me it's the good old BBC that tells the most objective story, although that might even be in the eyes of this fallable beholder...